Sexual Misconduct Policy
2024-03-20 2024-04-22 16:42Sexual Misconduct Policy
Sexual Misconduct Policy
Create Career College recognizes its commitment and responsibility to maintain a safe, respectful and healthy environment where its members can study, work, and live free from sexual misconduct and sexualized violence.
This policy articulates Create Career College’s commitment to support all members of the Create Career College community who are affected by sexual misconduct, to provide a central site for information regarding the resources and options available to those affected by sexual misconduct, to create and make available programs and resources to educate its community on the prevention of sexual misconduct, and to provide a process to respond to and investigate allegations of sexual misconduct.
In short, Create Career College pursues and excises a zero tolerance policy on any sexual misconduct.
What is sexual misconduct?
What is sexual misconduct? Sexual misconduct includes sexualized violence and refers to any sexual act or act targeting an individual’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened, or attempted against an individual without that individual’s Consent.
Examples of sexual misconduct
The following list sets out examples of Sexual Misconduct and is intended to help members of the CCC community understand the kinds of acts that will be considered Sexual Misconduct. The list is not exhaustive and other acts may constitute Sexual Misconduct under this Policy even if they do not appear in the list below. Sexual Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Sexual assault
Any form of sexual touching or the threat, express or implied, of sexual touching without the individual’s consent.
Sexual harassment
Unwelcome conduct, by comment or gesture, of a sexual nature that detrimentally affects the working, learning, or living environment, or leads to adverse consequences for the individual directly subjected to the harassment.
Stalking and cyberstalking
Stalking through the use of the internet or other electronic means, or engaging in unwelcome conduct, expressed or implied, causes an individual to fear for their physical or psychological safety. It can include repeatedly following the individual, repeatedly communicating with the individual through any means, engaging in threatening conduct, or keeping watch over the place where the individual happens to be.
Indecent exposure
Exposing one’s body to another individual either physically, electronically, or through any other means, for a sexual purpose without the individual’s consent, or coercing another individual to remove their clothing in order to expose their body.
Non-consensual viewing, photographing, or otherwise recording another individual in a location where there is an expectation of privacy and where the viewing, photographing, or recording is done for a sexual purpose.
The distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or recording
Distribution can be of an individual to one or more individuals other than the individual in the photograph or recording without the consent of the individual in the photograph or recording.