
Tag: move to Canada

CCCVancouverLife in Canada

Tips on How to Apply for a Driver’s License in B.C.

The Province of British Columbia has a population of 5 million, of which 3.65 million hold a driver’s license. It can be shown that a driver’s license is necessary and essential for those living in B.C. A driving test is one of …

CCCVancouverLife in Canada

Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) in BC

What’s the Workers’ Compensation Board? In British Columbia, the Workers’ Compensation Board is operating as WorkSafeBC, which is an agency established by provincial legislation. It’s mainly mandated to provide a safe environment for employees and partner with employers to prevent workplace injuries, …

CCCVancouverLife in Canada

How to get your BC Vaccine Card?

The government of BC announced that from September 13, 2021, all individuals who attend public activities require a  BC Vaccine card (Vaccine Passport). There are two versions of vaccine cards are available: 1. Physical BC Vaccine Card you received when you got …

CCCVancouverPathway to PR

Current Canadian Immigration Programs for Students and Workers

There are many Canadian Immigration Programs, being a student or a worker is the most popular for foreigners nowadays. This blog will give you a general idea of some common Canadian Immigration Programs for students and workers. If you are uncertain about …


How to Get a BC Driver’s License

In some Canadian cities, public transport might not always be as widely available or convenient as major cities like Ontario or BC. Therefore, driving your car is the most common method to travel in Canada. But, before you can drive on the …


How to Apply for Co-op Work Permit

Are you an international student taking a co-op program or thinking about taking a co-op program in Canada? The co-op experience is a full-time work experience over a period of time. During the Co-op, students may work up to 35 or 40 …