
Tag: canadian cv


5 Things Job Seekers Need to Consider When Doing Job Search in Vancouver

Kicking off your job search in Vancouver? It’s a mix of unique challenges and opportunities in this dynamic city. Navigating the intensive job market competition here means being clued-up on the factors that can make or break your quest for new roles. …


Top 7 reasons for International Student to study in Vancouver at Create Career College

Vancouver stands out as a highly coveted destination for international students in Canada, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant multicultural atmosphere. Vancouver has become a hub for people looking for a rich educational experience, as it is home to numerous colleges …


Co-op Program Insights: 4 Differences Between Canadian Co-ops and Internships

Have you ever pondered the distinction between co-op programs and internships? Both co-op programs and internships offer valuable hands-on experience, allowing both international and local students to gain pertinent work experience before entering the job market. While some experts suggest that the …


Writing Professional Canadian Resume [Format Style, Techniques, Example for 2024]

If you’re a newcomer to Canada seeking employment, it’s crucial to craft a Canadian resume to enhance your competitiveness in the local job market. The Canadian resume format differs significantly from CVs and resumes commonly used in other countries. Today, we’ll outline …