
Is Digital Marketing a Good Career in Canada? 2024 Updated


Is Digital Marketing a Good Career in Canada? 2024 Updated

Are you curious about digital marketing careers in Canada and the various job positions available in this dynamic field? Do you know what roles are prevalent in the digital marketing industry and what their job descriptions entail, especially in the Canadian context? Is it challenging to secure a job in digital marketing, and most importantly, is digital marketing a good career in Canada? Don’t worry, Create Career College (CCC) is here to provide all the answers and guide you through the exciting opportunities in the digital marketing landscape!

What Is Digital Marketing?​

Digital marketing refers to strategically using online channels, platforms, and technologies to promote products, services, or brands to targeted audiences. It encompasses a broad range of activities such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and more.

The primary goal of digital marketing is to engage potential customers, build brand awareness, drive traffic via channels like social media and websites, and ultimately generate leads or sales conversions through digital channels. 

Nowadays, digital marketing is a complex and ever-changing field, rapidly expanding with new trends, opportunities, and technologies. Forward-thinking organizations are increasingly focusing on digital marketing approaches.

Why Digital Marketing Remains in Trend in 2024?

Increasing Online Presence

Digital marketing careers remain highly in demand in 2024 as more people spend time online on digital platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube, and search engines such as Google and Bing.

Precise Targeting and Efficiency

This targeted approach, combined with the rapid growth of online platforms, ensures that digital marketing continues to be a crucial and evolving field, offering numerous career opportunities and advancements.

Rapid Growth and Career Opportunities

This shift in consumer behavior and the advantages of digital marketing make it essential for businesses to invest in digital marketing strategies, further highlighting the importance of skilled digital marketers in the industry.

Is Digital Marketing a Good Career in Canada?​

The answer in short is definitely a YES!

Digital marketing skills are in demand worldwide as businesses across all industries increasingly rely on digital channels to reach and engage customers globally. 

Canadian businesses across industries are increasingly adopting digital strategies to reach and engage consumers online. This trend has fueled the demand for skilled digital marketers who can help businesses navigate and succeed in the digital landscape.

Growth Report on the Digital Marketing Industry in Canada

  • According to job portals like Indeed and LinkedIn, thousands of digital marketing-related job postings are typically listed throughout the year. For instance, a search on Indeed Canada for digital marketing roles often returns over 5,000 listings at any given time.
  • Industry reports from organizations like the CMA and research firms often highlight that digital marketing roles are in high demand, with annual growth rates in job postings ranging from 10% to 20%. 
  • Jobbank Canada updated the digital marketing job prospects in late 2023. For professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations (e.g. Digital Marketing Officer in Canada), new job openings are expected to total 73,700 over the period 2022-2031.
Growth Report on the Digital Marketing Industry in Canada​

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Digital Marketing as Your Career

There are a lot of advantages to working in digital marketing, and here are the top 5 reasons for you to choose a career in digital marketing!

Transferable Skills

The skills gained in digital marketing programs, such as data analysis, communication, creativity, and strategic thinking, are transferable across industries and valuable in today’s digital economy.

High Job Growth in Digital Marketing

The digital marketing career in Canada is experiencing significant growth, driven by the shift towards digital channels and the increasing importance of online presence for businesses. This growth translates into ample job opportunities for skilled professionals.

Salary Potential

In Canada, careers in digital marketing offer competitive salaries, especially for experienced professionals with in-demand skills. Salaries can vary based on factors such as location, industry, and level of experience.

Remote Work Opportunities

The nature of digital marketing often allows for remote work opportunities, providing flexibility in where professionals can live and work within Canada.

Thriving Tech and Startup Scene

Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal have vibrant tech and startup ecosystems, creating a fertile ground for digital marketing professionals to contribute to innovative companies and startups.


Overall, digital marketing presents a promising career path in Canada, offering a blend of creativity, analytical thinking, and strategic planning that can lead to fulfilling and rewarding opportunities in the digital economy.

Digital Marketing Career Salary

According to Indeed, the average digital marketing salary in British Columbia is $78,140.

Across Canada, the average digital marketing salary is $57,950.

(Date updated on 16 June 2024)

Job Descriptions and Positions in Digital Marketing

Careers in digital marketing span across industries such as retail, e-commerce, technology, healthcare, finance, hospitality, and more. The positions listed below are for Digital Marketing Graduates to consider:

Job Descriptions and Positions in Digital Marketing​

SEO Specialist

Focuses on optimizing website content to improve search engine rankings.

Social Media Manager

Manages a brand’s presence on social media platforms, creating content, engaging with followers, and analyzing performance metrics.

Content Marketer

Develops and executes content strategies to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

Digital Marketing Analyst

Analyzes data from various digital marketing campaigns to inform strategy and improve performance.

Digital Strategist

Develops comprehensive digital marketing strategies that align with business goals and leverage various online channels.

E-commerce Specialist

Manages online sales channels, optimizing product listings, and driving traffic to e-commerce websites.

Email Marketing Specialist

Designs and implements email campaigns to nurture leads, promote products, and drive conversions.

More jobs such as Web Analytics Manager, Freelancer, or Marketing Consultant are available as well.

How to Become a Digital Marketer in Canada?

To become a digital marketer in Canada, start by obtaining a relevant educational background, such as a degree or diploma in marketing, communications, or business. Enhance your knowledge with specialized online courses and certifications in areas like SEO, Google Analytics, social media marketing, and online advertising. 

Gain practical experience through internships, entry-level positions, or freelance work to build a robust portfolio. Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in digital marketing to continuously refine your skills and stay competitive in this fast-evolving field.

Digital Marketing Programs in Vancouver BC

At Create Career College (CCC), we are offering short-term and long-term Digital Marketing programs:

CCC provides students with a solid foundation in digital marketing, covering the latest trends and technologies in Canada, as well as hands-on practical co-op experience.

Currently, the intakes of Digital Marketing programs are on a monthly basis, students can check the 2024 Calendar here. 

Free Prerequisite Course

For visitors in Canada, you might be eligible to apply for a study permit from inside Canada! CCC is now offering a free English program as a prerequisite. Contact CCC Student Advisor to learn more and catch the opportunity!

CCC Digital Marketing Student Testimonials

Our Digital Marketing graduates shared their study experience at CCC in 2023, let’s hear what they say about the program and its future!

I studied here for the past 6 months, in the digital marketing program, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Tom was a great teacher and I feel good and prepared than ever to go back to the workforce. 

My plan is to start my own business, with the knowledge that I gain here (at Create Career College), I feel ready.

—— Lorena T.

 CCC Digital Marketing Graduate in 2023

Digital Marketing Career in Canada FAQ

Job prospects for digital marketers in Canada are promising. Industries such as technology, retail, finance, etc. are actively seeking digital marketing expertise.

Begin with a relevant degree or diploma, complemented by online courses and certifications. Gain experience through internships or entry-level positions, and stay updated with industry trends.

The digital marketing job market in Canada is competitive but growing. Employers value candidates with a combination of education, practical experience, and up-to-date skills in digital marketing tools and techniques.

Yes, digital marketing is considered a stable career choice in Canada due to the increasing importance of digital channels in business strategies. As long as professionals adapt to evolving technologies and consumer behaviors, digital marketing offers stable job opportunities and career growth potential.